Member Benefits

Your membership at The Alliance Center comes with so many benefits, and there are even more! Take a look at some of the perks of being a member below.

Yoga Classes

Join us for monthly virtual yoga classes with a real instructor!

Pay-Per-Page Printing

Only pay for what you need to! Printing and copying is $0.07/page for black and white and $0.20/page for color. Scans and faxes are free. 


Join our regular networking events to meet other members and tenants, whether it's Fika (a Swedish tradition with free coffee and pastries) or our monthly happy hour. You also receive FREE tickets to other webinar topics we offer on occasion.

Past Webinar Resources

Get access to our full backlog of recording webinars, on all sorts of topics! Are you interested in gardening? Saving for retirement? Learning how to manage zoom events better? We have webinar recordings for all these topics and more.

Parking Options

We are very close to public transportation and bike trails, but if you need to park, you are able to park in our parking lot for $20 (full day) or $8/hour. Payment is collected online, using a company called Pay By Phone.  There's also an electric vehicle charger in the parking lot, which is part of…

Community Newsletter and Email List

Joining our Community Corner email list is the best way to stay connected to what's going on with our Tenant and Member community. You can send emails to the whole building if you have a question or are looking for a suggestion, or even want to advertise an upcoming event.…

Exclusive Social Media Groups

By becoming a member, you'll be able to join our exclusive social media groups.

Serendipity Cafe

The Serendipity Cafe is the best spot in the area for a quick break, and it's located right in the lobby! Come on down to the first floor for an amazing coffee, pastry, breakfast burrito, or sandwich.

Hard to Recycle Station

Do you have batteries, lightbulbs, foil-lined wrappers, or other strange items that can't be recycled in traditional recycling, but you hate to throw them out? Never fear! Tenants get easy access to our Hard to Recyle Station, which collects all sorts of unique materials! We just request a small donation…

Wireless Internet

When you're at The Alliance Center you'll receive access to super fast 1 Gig internet speeds!

Note: Not all benefits are available to all memberships, and all benefits are subject to availability.